How to protect your RV flooring from pet damage is a great thing to know if you have animals on board. Particularly if you are renting, the animal mess can land you a hefty fine on return to clean up whatever mess is left.
However, if you own your RV, this isn’t so much the issue. It’s more about keeping the RV living area presentable. The last thing you want is a pet’s mess damaging the carpet and stinking the whole RV out.
Prevention is always the best way to go when protecting your RV from pet damage. This article aims to give you practical advice to keep your floor in good shape.
Animals in the RV
Let’s be honest – the majority of animals that are taken on campervan trips are dogs. Some people may take other animals such as cats or birds, but this is less common. Regardless of what pet you take, there are similar matters of concern.
The first is hair – pet hair seems to get everywhere, no matter how hard you try! Then there are your pet’s toilet needs to consider. Whilst dogs are usually limited to having accidents on the floor, other animals may be able to leave droppings in a whole range of places. Regardless of where they chose to do it, the odours are not going to be pleasant in such a small area.
Animal specific cleaning
When cleaning up after animals, you need a specific cleaning kit to keep your RV in tip-top shape. The following list is a great combination of cleaning products to carry around in your RV.
- Air freshener – A must for getting rid of those initial nasty smells.
- Mop and bucket – If you have a wooden floor, this is particularly useful to mop up the mess. With bleach and hot water, the area gets a deep clean and will smell fresh. Don’t just use boiling water. This won’t kill all of the germs.
- Lint roller – These simple yet ingenious contraptions can get the hair off upholstery, the floor, and your clothes. They are a fast and effective way of getting rid of a large amount of hair.
- Vacuum cleaner – Vacuums are a great way of getting up hair and leftover food. They are available in a range of sizes and many handheld ones don’t need to be plugged in making them ideal for RVs.
- Carpet cleaner – A good carpet cleaner could be useful if your RV is carpeted or has rugs. Animal mess can soak into carpets, leaving a nasty odour. The sooner you put the carpet cleaner on, the lower the risk of these odours sticking.
- Spray bleach and wipes – These are essential thanks to their convenience. Even the smallest campervans have room for a packet of wipes and a bottle of bleach. Simply spray the bleach on the area of your pet’s mess to kill any germs that have been left behind.
Types of RV flooring
Below are the most common types of RV flooring along with their appropriate cleaning methods. Make a note of what flooring your RV has to ensure you buy the needed products.
Arguably the most common flooring in older RVs is some form of carpet. Often in a crazy pattern, these carpets were designed to wear well and hide stains and dust.
Carpets will quickly show signs of wear and tear as they age which can be an issue for pet owners. Odours tend to cling much easier to fibres in a carpet than other materials, meaning your pet’s mess may leave a lingering smell.
The best way to clean an RV’s carpet is to have it steam cleaned professionally. This will usually remove most odours and germs that are clinging to the carpet’s fibres.
Be aware that sometimes, a pet’s mess can soak through a carpet and into the underlay. In these circumstances, a better option may be to remove the carpet and underlay and have it replaced with a more pet-friendly alternative.
Wood is prevalent in campervan conversions. These campers are totally customised, and this is why you after likely to find wood in them. Popular wood styles include oak and reclaimed timber.
Wood, as long as it is treated and sealed, can create a watertight barrier. The benefit of this is that any animal mess will simply sit on top of it, rather than soak into it. Issues can arise if the flooring has not been fitted correctly, leading to gaps.
Wood flooring is only as good as its finish, so a professionally fitted flooring will have the best tolerance to pets.
Laminate flooring is the most modern and versatile flooring going. The laminate is watertight, doesn’t rot or age, and is sturdy. It is this that makes it a great flooring for those with pets.
It’s very natural looking but can last forever. It is just such an east surface to clean due to its smooth, non-porous nature.
Three ways to protect the flooring
As we have previously mentioned, the best way to protect your flooring from pet damage is to use preventative measures. Below are the three best (and easiest) ways to protect your flooring.
1. Rugs
Rugs are a cheap and effective way to protect flooring. They act as big sponges to soak up any mess and stop it from touching the flooring.
A great advantage of rugs is that you can take them outside to clean when needed. On a day with nice weather, you can hose them down and let them dry on the line. They’re reusable and a straightforward option to have to stop animals from ruining the flooring.
2. Interlocking matting
Interlocking matting has the ability to fit every inch of the floor. Made out of rubber, it is easy to cut and fit. This is its biggest advantage over rugs as you can cover the entire floor.
An additional advantage is that the animal mess will sit on top and not absorb. This makes it easier to clean, and the chance of odours hanging around is significantly reduced.
3. Plastic sheeting and bin liners
When you see decorators put plastic sheeting down before painting, the same can be done in an RV. It’s possibly the cheapest method going and can be useful in a pinch.
For example, if you walk your dog during the day, you could just put the sheets out overnight if the dog needs the toilet. This is such a handy tip to know should you be out with your dog and want to protect your RF overnight.
How to Protect Your RV Flooring From Pet Damage Summary
In summary, it is better to layer something on top of the original flooring to protect it than to let it get an animal’s mess on. It makes the whole cleaning process so much easier! You can remove the plastic sheet, rug or matting to clean it outside.
If it’s beyond cleaning simply dispose of it responsibly. Animals are animals – it’s your responsibility to look after them and to clean up for them. Using these tips, you will find it straightforward and easy!